Summer Vacation's Homework #7 -- News Review
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沒「蘋果三件套」很丟臉? 北京女大生氣哭母親
ETtoday – 2012年8月13日 下午5:00
Summer Vacation's Homework #6 -- Book Review
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TOPIC: A review of
Bridget Jones's Diary
The author is Helen Fielding. She was born on 19 February 1958 in England and lives in London and Los Angeles. She worked for BBC for several years and now she is an English author, screenwriter and a writer for various news papers. Bridget Jones's Diary is one of her best known novel which win the year of 1998 British Book of the Year award. And her Bridget Johes's series novels have been sold 15 million copies over 40 countries.
The author is Helen Fielding. She was born on 19 February 1958 in England and lives in London and Los Angeles. She worked for BBC for several years and now she is an English author, screenwriter and a writer for various news papers. Bridget Jones's Diary is one of her best known novel which win the year of 1998 British Book of the Year award. And her Bridget Johes's series novels have been sold 15 million copies over 40 countries.
Summer Vacation's Homework #5 -- Book Review
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The author is Roald Dahl, was born on 13th September 1916 and passed away for 12 years. (What a surprise, He and I have the same birthday day). He was a British and one of the world's best selling authors. He wrote some children's book are well known for his style of unexpected endings, with very dark humor. His official website:
Summer Vacation's Homework #4 -- Text Book
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Topic: Think about an important, exciting, or humorous thing
that happened to you or a friend. Tell the story.
Summer Vacation's Homework #3 -- Text Book
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The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl (Textbook Page 42 #2 and #3)
Summer Vacation's Homework #2 -- Text Book
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Topic: Recall an unusual occurrence you
witnessed recently. What happened? Why was it unusual?
Summer Vacation's Homework #1 -- Text Book
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TOPIC: Tell about your most successful writing
experience. When did you write something
that you were particularly proud of? What does this experience tell you?