The author is Helen Fielding. She was born on 19 February 1958 in England and lives in London and Los Angeles. She worked for BBC for several years and now she is an English author, screenwriter and a writer for various news papers. Bridget Jones's Diary is one of her best known novel which win the year of 1998 British Book of the Year award. And her Bridget Johes's series novels have been sold 15 million copies over 40 countries.
At the beginning of novel, there is a list of Bridget Jones's New Year's Resolution. She is a normal 30-something women always struggling against her life. For instant, her weight, her job, her lack of a boyfriend, her bad hobbies-- drink and smoke too much and other many imperfections. She decides to change her life from this Diary.
At a New Year party, she meets Mark Darcy, a lawyer and single divorce man. Although they had known each other as children, this encounter does not bring any surprise for Mark and Bridget. Both them think the other are fool and rude person.

Mark invites Bridget to attend a party for his parents' silver wedding celebration . She begins to develop feelings about Mark. Later, Bridget organizes a dinner party for her friends and Mark. Suddenly, Bridget’s father rings to tell her that her mother and mother's boyfriend are involved fraud issue, and the police wanted to arrest them. Lawyer Mark goes to Portugal to help Bridget's mother. One mother later, Her mother's boyfriend is arrested and Mark com back to Bridget. They have a wonderful Christmas holiday and the start of their relationship.
The book concludes with a summary of Bridget’s progress with her New Year’s resolutions—she has managed to keep just one: forming a functional relationship with a responsible man.
Bridget, a 32 years old, unattached, economic independent, self-aware women, seeking for better life and a responsible men. Her friends and family are the best support for her life.
Her mother is an overconfident career woman. She wants her daughter Bridget to marry to a rich, handsome man; in contrast to her mother, her father is quiet and more down-to-earth man.
Daniel is a notorious womanizer with a questionable personality. But Bridget is attracted to her boss. Bridget has a short romantic with her boss Daniel who ends up cheating on her.
Mark Darcy is a barrister, rich, single but divorced man. And at end of this diary, Bridget decide to form a functional relationship with a responsible man.
When I read this novel, I just feel Bridget like one of our friends. And some of her life parts are exact same as our life. I think Bridget is a good example, typical women around our circumstances. Most of women always struggle with the weight problem, and are blind for the true love and wish a better life....
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