為愛奉獻I am thinking of you
In my sleepless solitude tonight
If it's wrong to love you
Then my heart just won't let me be right
'Cause I've drowned in you
And I won't pull through
Without you by my side

I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

Baby can you feel me
Imagining I'm looking in your eyes
I can see you clearly
Vividly emblazoned in my mind
And yet you're so far
Like a distant star
I'm wishing on tonight

I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

[guitar break]

I'd give my all to have
Just one more night with you
I'd risk my life to feel
Your body next to mine
'cause I can't go on
Living in the memory of our song
I'd give my all for your love tonight

102. Candy Crush

June 7, this first Friday of June.

Yeah... I just learned  the results for my two important tests in May.

One is the score of TOEIC.  It is 720.   For my first test result, it seems not too bad.  However,  I did not feel happy or had any feeling about the result.  As I mentioned on the previous blog, I did not well prepare  for this test.   I just applied my own English skill and knowledge learned from school.  I think during these two years I have made a great progress for English.    Before the test, my set test goal was 750, now I only got 720.  I think it over and over, and make a decision to have another test again in the fall this year. This time, I will fully prepare.  And hope my score will be higher than 800.

Then, the other is the result of my graduate application. I am at 13th candidates on the list.  That mean if the other qualified students do not want to study or quit enrolling  school, I may have a  chance to study there.  However this chance is too small to happen.

I have some study plan for this summer. The coming  International Trade Examination will be held in the end of next month.  I will make my efforts to pass the test and have a certificate of achievement for International Trade. Then I will continue to prepare my next TOEIC test.

Why my topic is Candy crush?   If you are one of player of this candy crush game.  You will definitely know that every move is very critical for your whole game.  If you have a wrong move, you will  fail in the game. So, I hope  each step of my plan has positive influence in the future. 

101. A meeting

     The last Wednesday of May, I had a meeting with my potential boss Jerry, who came back from USA recently. Frankly, it was not a formal meeting.  We had dinner together and free conversation. At first, I did not expect that his wife and daughters would join our dinner.  He told me to book a table for 5-6 people, so I guess his friends will come.  Meeting my potential boss is a great even for me, so  I dressed like a competent office manager.  However, there were only his family members.  All of them were in casual clothes...

Book Review #2 -- The Invention of Hunge Cabret

Topic: The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Hugo's father was a clockmaker. Unfortunately, his father was killed in a fire.  Hugo has been sent to his uncle place.  There is a hidden room inside of the walls of train station.  Hugo live here and maintain the station clocks.

Book Review #1 The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Topic: The Five  People you Meet in Heaven 

This is a story about a man named Eddie.  On his 83rd birthday, he got killed in a disastrous accident at an park while he was trying to save a little girl.  When Eddie was dying, he felt the world rapidly turned into  black. He awakened in the different world which sky was resplendent    His every wound automatically healed.   Then he started a journey and met five people in Heaven. Those people might  he did not know before, or people he has only came across once. 

Personal Journal #1

   This week is the most busy weeks in the whole year.   I always lack sleep these days because of AMPA show.   

   Monday, one of my customers and his family arrived in Taipei.  I led them to Shuling night market. We tasted a lot of  street food - Taiwanese Pork Sausages, Pig's blood cake, Grilled Squids, Stinky Tofu, Oyster Omelets, and so on... Reportedly, Shulin night market is the most popular tour spot  for the foreign visitors.   They left night market with full carried bags of Taiwanese survivors.

Personal Journal #4

The Last is not Last

    This is my last blog  post here for my writing blog assignment. Thanks  to Mr. Kuo ask us to practice our writing skill by posting article on blog.

      During these four semester studying, at first, most of the classmates liked me do not like this  writing assignment.   But over review these blogs I post, it  is a big impact of my learning English.

Personal Journal #3

Today was significant day for me.  My person profile and resume for graduate application  were accepted by Fu Jen Entrepreneurship of college management.  They informed me to prepare an oral test this morning.

Actually, I did not prepare any material or study any document or books for this test. Owing to the coming final exams and reports in our current school occupied most of my studying time.

Personal Journal #2

Last weekend morning, I attended TOEIC  test at our school.  I must admit that I did not prepare well for this test.  I did all my best and effort to answer the question and complete the whole  answers before the last moment of test while most test students complained about  TOEIC reading part test is too much to finish.   Though, I will tell a true story.   The thing happened during my TOEIC testing. 

Text book assignment #1

Do you think Internet addiction is really a problem for students?

Nowadays, people reply on the Internet to make communication with the world and other people. It supplies various ways to shop, work, socialize, google information. People have more convenience and more excite life than before

Text book assignment #2

Why people like to check in on Facebook

I hardly to check in for my Facebook, but some of my friends like to do so.

News comment #2

News Title:  Meet the Japanese model who has spent over $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like a french doll… and is planning even more extreme procedures

News comment #3

News Title: 35-stone dad loses 22 stone and his XXXXXXL shirts despite temptation of working as a chef

The dad-of-four had developed diabetes and sleep apnoea which caused him to stop breathing up to 50 times a night

News comment #4

New Title:  Jolie surgery sets good example by careful weighing of risks: doctors

Angelina Jolie's decision to have a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer may have stunned fans of the Oscar-winning actress, but doctors say her choice is shared by many other women with a high genetic risk for breast cancer.

News comment #1

News Title:  I'm TOO pretty to work

 Graduate says her good looks means she's harassed and bullied

Winter Vacation HW #4 Book Review

Pollyanna is an 11-years girl without parents.  She is orphan and poor and has to be sent to live with her aunt who is strict and humorless. Her aunt does not want to close to Pollyanna and leave her alone that she won’t Pollyanna disrupt her quiet and peace life. 

Winter Vacation HW #5 Journal

The Art of Speaking

New Year's Eve, I went to a small traditional market alone. It was crowded and noise as usual.  I would like to buy some flower to decorate for a Chinese New Year.

I walked absently and one booth caught my eyesight suddenly.  She was selling Korean style fashion and clothes what I was interested in. Then I stopped at this booth and took some of jeans.

Winter Vacation HW #3 News Comment


There are a lot of heartbroken news about the drunk driver caused the accident.  And most of the car accidents caused by drunk driver are extremely serious damage and make some people die.    

Winter Vacation HW #1 Movie Review

Movie Review

This is a story about two women: Miranda and Andrea.  Miranda is a successful career woman, owning powerful fashion magazine company which is most of girls want to involve in.   But a successful career woman can handle everything well? I have a question about that.

Winter Vacation HW #2 Journal

Today was a busy day.  I was rush to facial spa treatment in the morning and went to the photo studio in the afternoon. In the night, I had a outdoor dinner with classmates.

Weekly Journal #8 (Jan. 13- Jan. 19)

Global new:

Ang Lee on Why Oscar Nominee ‘Life of Pi’ Was ‘A Test of Faith’

Ang Lee received an Academy Award nomination this morning for directing “Life of Pi,” the 3-D epic based on Yann Martel’s novel. Lee, 58, won in this category in 2006 for directing “Brokeback Mountain,” but to him, “Life of Pi” was a much more difficult film.
Directing “Brokeback Mountain” “was quite breezy,” the director said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. Even though they were high up in the mountains, it wasn’t an uphill climb the way “Life of Pi” was to Lee. “It was actually easy to make, from beginning to end that movie was all good.

'Life of Pi' wins best original score at Golden Globes (update)

Taipei, Jan. 14 (CNA) The 3-D adventure film "Life of Pi" by Taiwanese director Ang Lee won the Best Original Score at the 70th Golden Globe Awards on Monday.

Canadian film composer Mychael Danna said he wanted to share the award with the Oscar-winning director.

The 3-D adventure film "Life of Pi" by Taiwanese director Ang Lee won the Best Original Score at the 70th Golden Globe Awards on Monday.

Canadian film composer Mychael Danna said he wanted to share the award with the Oscar-winning director.

Weekly Journal #7 (Dec. 16- Dec. 22)

Global News: 

South Korea election: Park Geun-hye defeats Moon Jae-in

Ms Park, the daughter of former dictator Park Chung-hee, defeated her liberal rival Moon Jae-in. She will be South Korea's first female leader.
Votes are still being counted, but Mr Moon has admitted defeat. Turnout was high in a poll dominated by economic and social welfare issues.
Ms Park, 60, will replace her party colleague Lee Myung-bak.


Weekly Journal #6 (Dec. 23- Dec. 29)

Global News:

'Amanat's' body brought back to Delhi; PM, Sonia present at airport

New DelhiThe body of a gang-rape victim arrived back in New Delhi on Sunday after her death from sickening injuries in a Singapore hospital as India was engulfed by a mass outpouring of grief and anger.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress president Sonia Gandhi were at the Indira Gandhi International Airport for the arrival of the specially-chartered plane when it touched down at around 4.15 am

new source:

Weekly Journal #5 (Dec. 9- Dec. 15)

Global News:

Murdered principal's haunting pictures of Sandy Hook children practicing their evacuation drill - just days before massacre

On December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza, age 20, fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members and wounded two at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the village of Sandy Hook in the town of Newtown, Connecticut. Before driving to the school, Lanza had shot and killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, at their Newtown home. As first responders arrived, Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
It was the second-deadliest school shooting in United States history, after the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre. It also was the second-deadliest mass murder at an American elementary school, after the 1927 Bath School bombings in Michigan.

Assignment #7 (R)

Write about a goal that you have. What steps will you need to take to reach your goal?

Some of classmates have attended TOEIC this semester; they did study hard and wish to get the high score of TOEIC.  If you ask me what is the expect score for your TOEIC, I prefer to set the score no lower than 750, or 700 is the least. 

Assignment #6

Tell the story of a time that you did something successfully.  Was it clear to you at the beginning that you would be successful?  What did you do that helped you to be successful?

International Trade is my previous major in college.  Hence, I entered the relative workplace to apply what I learned from college.  I have been communicated with foreign and customers for many years, eventually,  I realized that my English is not good enough and fluent.  

Assignment #5

Why should marketers and advertisers study consumer motivation? 
How does this knowledge help them to do their job?