This is a story about a man named Eddie. On his 83rd birthday, he got killed in a disastrous accident at an park while he was trying to save a little girl. When Eddie was dying, he felt the world rapidly turned into black. He awakened in the different world which sky was resplendent His every wound automatically healed. Then he started a journey and met five people in Heaven. Those people might he did not know before, or people he has only came across once.
However, these people had changed his life forever because each one with him was a special story. Eddie reviewed and looked back about his life. Everything the five people have to say is pretty important, and it will change the way Eddie looks back at his life, forever.

Everything that happens for a reason; everyone we meet for a reason, too.
I truly believe that every encounter was destined to be and every meeting has its own impact in a person's life. You may never know how important and what influence to me, but I want to thanks to everyone shows up in my life whatever it is a bad or good experience. The bad one help me to be more careful in the future, and the good one is always motivating for me changing a better person. Through the cycle of meeting various persons in life, I learn a valuable lesson to understand the significance of life.
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