Winter Vacation HW #3 News Comment


There are a lot of heartbroken news about the drunk driver caused the accident.  And most of the car accidents caused by drunk driver are extremely serious damage and make some people die.    

No doubt, It is not at all safe to drive when you are being drunk.  Due to alcohol can slow down your thinking process and make difficult for the traffic judgment.  They cannot react properly in time to stop the accident.  Most of them just loss the consciousness and make the irreparable mistake. 
Drinking can ruin whole entire life, not only the driver’s own life but also take the other families.  And the drunk driver must to face consequence, like take responsibility of civil compensation and be jailed for several years or rest of life.  And most important thing, they will not avoid their own conscience condemned constantly.

During this Chinese holidays, my brother got a red ticket because he did not pass the alcohol rate test while police caught him was driving.  Although he did not being drunk, and paid a lot fine for breaking traffic regulation, I hope him learns this lesson forever. 

News source冷血男酒駕撞老翁回頭又輾死-泯滅人性獲判無期-042501962.html;_ylt=AuPaWGjct7glKrmG_Bp0sDzCBdF_;_ylu=X3oDMTRnbGlkYWM4BG1pdANUb3BzdG9yeSBTb2NpZXR5IEFydGljbGVUb3BMaXN0BHBrZwMzMTJhMjkwOS1kNTBlLTNkMjctODQyOC0zMWNmOTM3MGNjMjIEcG9zAzEEc2VjA01lZGlhU2VjdGlvbkxpc3QEdmVyA2EwMzY5YTQwLTgxNjEtMTFlMi1iZWRjLWJiMzNiYzVhZWIzYw--;_ylg=X3oDMTJ1Z2ZlbTBoBGludGwDdHcEbGFuZwN6aC1oYW50LXR3BHBzdGFpZANhODhiYjU2Yy0wYzVmLTNlZjktYjFjNS1hNTYyY2YwYWM4NWQEcHN0Y2F0A.ekvuacgwRwdANzdG9yeXBhZ2U-;_ylv=3

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