Winter Vacation HW #5 Journal

The Art of Speaking

New Year's Eve, I went to a small traditional market alone. It was crowded and noise as usual.  I would like to buy some flower to decorate for a Chinese New Year.

I walked absently and one booth caught my eyesight suddenly.  She was selling Korean style fashion and clothes what I was interested in. Then I stopped at this booth and took some of jeans.
One of jeans made in Korean was cost NTD 2400.  “Wow, it is quite expensive in this local market.” I though.  However, lady boss canvassed me, “if you like, I can give you our lowest price NTD1600” Again, boss lady encouraged me to try on. 

After I put my legs into this jeans, unbelievably, my legs looked longer by 5 cm length.  Finally, I took off this nice jeans and returned to lady boss.  The reason was that I could not offer this jeans or I didn’t like this jeans. I just realized I had enough jeans at home.  If I pay 1600 for this, it maybe stored in my clothes chest in most of time.   I felt regret about this situation and guessed the lady boss may blame and upset.  

 “I forgive you”, The lady boss said so, “What, she forgive me? “ I repeated it in my mind.  “I forgive you because you never buy a Korean Jeans and did not know what is the value of the this kind of jeans” She smiled at me.

I admire her for those nice words.  Although her response did not change my mind, her words and positive thought make customers fell better. I think maybe I will try to find other chance to visit her booth some other day.

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