Summer Vacation's Homework #2 -- Text Book

Topic: Recall an unusual occurrence you witnessed recently. What happened? Why was it unusual?

One day, one of my friends loaded up a photo on his facebook board.  The photo is weird and made me flesh creep, because there was a ghost can be recognized from the bottom of the photo. It was small with white no blooded face, long black hair and wearing a white shroud.   He said her 3-year-old daughter took this photo incidentally at their home.  Then this terrible photo frightened his wife seriously.  His wife was afraid to stay at home along and could not go to the toilet by oneself.  How an awful experience!  I sincerely hope I am a good person, those terrible stuff keep me away.

Few days later, I review his status about this photo. There were few comments from his friends. One of them said, the photo with ghost was made from smart phone app.  You can download this app and take the some funny and dreadful photo.  The mystery was solved… Now his family was back to normal situation, there are full of joys and laughters. 
One week passed, on his facebook board, again, he complained his little uneducated daughter wasted his USD 20 to download smart phone app.    

So, here is the lesson we should learn, please do not let any kid to play your smart phone.

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