Summer Vacation's Homework #7 -- News Review

沒「蘋果三件套」很丟臉? 北京女大生氣哭母親



銷售人員指出,女孩即將到外地上大學,特意過來買3C產品,「她上來就要買iPhone4s、iPad3和mac book這『蘋果三件套』,而且都得是高配,超過2萬元(人民幣,下同)支出讓母親覺得有些吃不消。」



In my opinion, parents should stop spoiling their kids, otherwise kids will think all are reasonable that what parents did.  In most of American families, their kids have part time jobs to pay all the college cost, tuition, books, transport fee, sending money and so on.  However, some of Asian patents will pay for college cost for their kids.  Reportedly, the annual income for a normal Mainland China families is just around   50,000 and college tuition will spend their one forth to one fifth of earning.  The kids should be grateful for the hard work of parents, and be considering the burden of a family and financial problems, not just live like the patents can easily afford the lifestyle as their want.

On the other hand, a student does not feel embarrassed about lacking of fashion stuffs or brand things.  The most embarrassing thing for a student is not making any efforts on his or her studying.

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