Summer Vacation's Homework #4 -- Text Book

Topic: Think about an important, exciting, or humorous thing that happened to you or a friend. Tell the story.

Here is the humorous story that happened at my mother’s home. My parents live with brother’s family together.  And they have moved to Linko for many years.   Their house combined  two units of buildings,   It is a very big house and total housing area is 660 sq. millimeters.  It is not easy for adults to find the children.  So, my brother decided to use a surveillance cameras equipments around their house. When my parents or brother sits in the living room, they still can watch the kids playing situation from the television which connected with this surveillance cameras system.

This cameras system not only helps a lot at our home, but also assists the neighbors’ problems. Mrs. Wang live next door asked a copy of cameras records, because her lovely god went out without anyone notice.  And local police lend a copy,too.  Due to there was a car stolen in the night.  They hoped to seek something suspicious...  

Here the story began, one day… my mother did a lot of house works, and take a rest during the washing machine work.  She decided to take off her sweat top and pants and put them to wash together.

2 minutes later, the phone ring, the other side was from my brother
” Hello, mom, what are you doing?” 

“I just did some clean works “ Mother replied.

“Oh, no, you should not take off your clothes”

“How did you know that, there are no other at home.”

“I just turned on my computer, my office computer can connect our home’s cameras system, and I just saw you were staying at back yard and almost naked…”
“And mom, I hope you will not do this again, you know there is a camera in the back yard, I do not know when the policemen or neighbors will come and ask the copies again…”

My mom " ....."

There is an important decision to me in this summer.   After working time,  I attend a class which was sponsor by New Taipei City government. The class do not have name in English.  If you ask me how to translate the class name, I would prefer name it: “New Taipei city Industries Management University".  This class involve different files of industry and people.  Our classmates are an chairman or being one of top management of a company or a group.  And our teachers or lecturers are from various industries, universities or government institutions.   Both them help me to open eyes about work creative thoughts... I am so glad I have made a correct decision ...

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