News comment #2

News Title:  Meet the Japanese model who has spent over $100,000 on plastic surgery to look like a french doll… and is planning even more extreme procedures

A Japanese woman has undergone a startling physical transformation that has so far involved more than 30 cosmetic procedures at a cost of 10 million yen or $102,000.
The lady, a model known as Vanilla Chamu, has said she intends to keep having surgeries until she has achieved her lifelong goal – to look like a French doll.
Photos of Vanilla prior to her first procedures reveal a rather mousy Japanese teenager whose facial features are virtually unrecognizable from the bizarre and undoubtedly more ‘western-looking’ appearance that she now possesses.

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Comment: There is a joke.. An Asian women changed her entire facial structure into a new
pretty attractive face.   But she did not tell her husband who did not have any idea about  her previous  looks. Few year later, they had their first child.  Her husband doubted his wife had an affair due to the baby were very ugly and resembled his pretty wife and him.

Frankly, she looks much better before from these comparison picture.  However, she also looks a fake person.   I cannot believe she spent so much money just for being or pretending  another person. I think she really have metal illness. In addition, the doctor should not encourage her to do more plastic surgery.  More plastic surgery means more risk of human's health and surgery procedures.

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