Personal Journal #2

Last weekend morning, I attended TOEIC  test at our school.  I must admit that I did not prepare well for this test.  I did all my best and effort to answer the question and complete the whole  answers before the last moment of test while most test students complained about  TOEIC reading part test is too much to finish.   Though, I will tell a true story.   The thing happened during my TOEIC testing. 

The delegate of TOEIC announced repeatedly in our test classroom:  " Please do not make any noise or sound from your cell phones and electronic watches, otherwise your qualification of today's TOEIC test will be canceled.  You should turn off your cell phone and  all electronic products if they can make any sound."

After we finished the listening test part, one hour passed by...,  there was a song coming  from one's cell phone. The delegate took out the cell phone from someone's bag and turned off the sound...

When the test end, the delegate talked to this student.  The true factor of the music from cell phone was because the  student set up the alarm.   Although he shut off the cell phone, the alarm function was still on duty.
For this case, we should un-plug the battery when we attend any important exam.

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