Personal Journal #4

The Last is not Last

    This is my last blog  post here for my writing blog assignment. Thanks  to Mr. Kuo ask us to practice our writing skill by posting article on blog.

      During these four semester studying, at first, most of the classmates liked me do not like this  writing assignment.   But over review these blogs I post, it  is a big impact of my learning English.

     Many things happened and too many challenges I achieved during these two years. I wrote down every footprint  about my school life, even some parts of my work and life. 
     The graduation season is around the corner.  Soon, I will say bye bye to my lovely classmates and teachers.  I will never forget the happy hours of studying with lovely classmates and the struggle time for fighting  time with annoying exam and report. 

      I will try to read some English material or strengthen English skill from daily life, such as, reading some fun English stories, news.  I truly hope this last blog assignment is  not my last blog here.  If I get some free time, I would like to post some blog to record my life after graduation.

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